Explore the promises and pitfalls of DNA testing and adoption.

In this video, you’ll learn how to use consumer DNA tests to find your ethnic origins and biological relatives. It will also prepare you for unexpected discoveries, teach you how to protect your privacy, and explain why closed adoptions are effectively a thing of the past.
Please note: This video was recorded several years ago with our former branding (the Belonging Network used to be the Adoptive Families Association of BC). |
DNA 101: Consumer DNA tests and adoption
Brianna Brash-Nyberg is the adoptive mom of two young daughters. She’s the Communications Manager at the Belonging Network. For this webinar, she’ll draw on her research into consumer DNA tests and adoption, as well as her personal experience of finding her daughter’s First Nations heritage and birth family via DNA testing.
Sarah Reid is the mother of two children through adoption. Sarah and her husband Kevin are parents to two amazing kids. Noah (9) arrived through MCFD, and Michaela (3) arrived through a family adoption. Sarah’s areas of specialty include international adoption, openness, and transracial adoption.