Every adoption and permanency journey is unique. Equip yourself with knowledge, skills, and confidence along the way with our workshops and learning opportunities. Whoever you are—someone waiting to adopt, a new parent who’s just started a life with a child, an experienced caregiver, a professional, a young person in or from government care—we’ve developed info sessions, workshops, and other learning opportunities to help create a bright future for you and your family.
Adopt BC Kids info session
Interested in adopting a child or youth waiting in government care? Explore why children enter government care, which includes foster care, and learn about their unique needs when it comes to finding their perfect match in a loving family. Our knowledgeable team will break down the entire adoption journey so you’ll walk away with a clear understanding of whether adopting from care is right for you.
Cost: No fee
Location: Virtual
LEAP – Learning for Everyone in Adoption and Permanency
LEAP has replaced the previous Adoption Education Program (AEP). It’s an educational course designed for parents and caregivers to help them meet the common support needs of children and youth coming from foster care. For prospective adoptive parents, LEAP fulfills the legal requirement for pre-adoption education.
Safe Babies
Safe Babies is a course for people planning to care for a baby or toddler who may have been exposed to alcohol or other drugs before being born. Learn about how infants develop, the effects of substance exposure, and how to create a safe and healthy environment for you and your new baby. This is a three-part workshop that will give you lots of time for discussion with Belonging Network facilitators.
Fee: $150 per person
Location: Virtual
Building Attachment with Teens and Tweens
This workshop is for parents and caregivers who have recently welcomed a teenager or tween into their home, or who are considering providing permanency to a youth. Join us to learn how to build and strengthen your attachment with your teen or tween.
Fee: $10 per person
Location: Virtual
Raising Relatives
Raising a child or youth who is related to you means navigating a new family dynamic. Often, families in this situation are also going through loss or trauma. This three-part workshop offers coping strategies for anyone raising a relative, including grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, and older siblings, and offers a safe place to discuss the specifics of your situation with our knowledgeable team.
Cost: No fee
Location: Virtual
Surviving & Thriving
The first two years of bringing a new child home are a critical time for bonding and attachment. It’s also often the most challenging time as both you and your child navigate a big transition. This workshop is designed to prepare new families as they navigate the critical and often challenging first two years of placement. You’ll walk away knowing what to expect, with the tools and skills to successfully deal with situations as they arise.
Cost: No fee
Location: Virtual
Trauma-Informed Parenting
Trauma affects a child’s well-being and can shape how they grow up. When parents and caregivers understand trauma and can address it, children can become more resilient and able to cope with difficult feelings and events in life. In this three-part workshop, you’ll learn about the types of trauma, how they can show up in a child’s behaviour and outlook in life, and how to parent in a trauma-informed way.
Fee: $95 per person
Location: Virtual