National Indigenous Peoples Day

Visual for National Indigenous Peoples Day. First Nations, Inuit and Métis as well as the four elements of nature (earth, water, fire and air) are represented by different symbols and colours.

Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a special opportunity to celebrate Indigenous brilliance and resilience. This year we’re particularly thrilled to see the transformations taking place in many Indigenous communities as they regain control of their child and family services. Since time immemorial, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people have cared for children in their own ways—honourable […]

BC Child and Youth in Care Week

A teenager giving a younger boy a piggyback ride.

In Anne’s words BC Child and Youth in Care Week is about raising awareness and shifting perceptions about children and youth in government care. It’s about seeing them as individuals with unique talents, hopes and dreams: so much more than a series of statistics and outcomes. At the Belonging Network, we believe every child and […]

Meet Anne Tower

Anne Tower joined the Belonging Network in September as our new Executive Director. In this interview, Anne shares her special connection to adoption and her goals and dreams for the Belonging Network’s future. What’s your connection to adoption? I actually am adopted. I was adopted as a child and my little sister is adopted, so […]