We are pleased to announce the 2024 recipients of our bursary programs. This year, we awarded bursaries to 29 youth! Read more about each recipient below.

BC Orca Bursary Program

Recipient A is attending the University of British Columbia Okanagan and studying to complete a Bachelor of Health and Exercise Science. Having always had an interest in health, they felt this area of study would open many doors for career opportunities. Ultimately, they hope to pursue medical school and a residency in general surgery, with a focus on cardiothoracic surgery. Being in a helping profession is incredibly important to them, as they feel many have helped them along the way. Their reference describes that they connect with people inspiring trust, building relationships, and creating a supportive environment.

Recipient B graduated from the University of British Columbia with Distinction in a Bachelor of Arts, Honours in History, and a minor in German Studies. They are now attending the Peter A. Allard School of Law to complete a Juris Doctor to become a lawyer. They have chosen the legal profession because of their ability to make an impact and to speak out for what is right. References refer to them as an exemplary critical thinker, and their academic achievements testify to a goal-oriented mindset, as well as a genuine passion for their studies.

Recipient C has completed an undergraduate degree in Integrated Studies, and is now beginning their pursuit of a Bachelors of Education, PDP at the University of British Columbia. Their hope is to be a Kindergarten teacher. At a young age, they were involved in leadership programs and coaching roles in the community, which led to a commitment to making a difference in the lives of children and a strong belief in the importance of education as a foundation for growth. References refer to their patience and problem solving as key strengths that they brought to their role. They also noted that because of their caring and compassionate manner, many program participants and other staff felt safe and supported while in their presence.

Recipient D will be completing their Community, Family and Child Studies diploma at Camosun College this year, and beginning their Child and Youth Care degree at the University of Victoria immediately following. They are hoping to use their experience in care to create positive outcomes for Indigenous families in the area of reunification and family support. Their reference says that their unwavering focus and positive attitude, even in the face of adversity, are a testament to their dedication to educational and career goals.

Trades were always something that Recipient E knew they were interested in, and so by exploring different options they found operating machines was what suited them best. They are currently enrolled in the Heavy Equipment Operator program at Vancouver Island University and will complete the program this year. They are interested in pursuing a career either with the Municipality they live in, or perhaps in Northern BC working on the pipelines. Their reference notes that they exhibit a unique blend of skill, perseverance, dedication, and a keen understanding of machine operation that makes them a perfect candidate for the profession.

Recipient F is a second-year recipient and is currently completing a double major at the University of Victoria in Biology and Environmental Studies, focusing on the areas of environmental restoration, political ecology, and marine biology. Their end goal is to pursue a career as a wildlife biologist, ecologist, or conservationist. They express a deep appreciation for the land, sea, and animals, and are determined to protect our natural environment, in partnership with Indigenous-led conservation efforts. Their reference shares that their care, community-mindedness, and enthusiasm uplifted and buoyed team members, resulting in a more positive, focused, physically, and culturally supported working environment.

Recipient G is in their final year of completing a bookkeeping certificate and plans to enroll immediately in an Accounting and Finance diploma at the College of New Caledonia. They would like to work toward eventually starting their own small accounting business, once they have gained experience in the field. They also enjoy connecting with cultural events in their community, such as beading, ribbon skirt making, and how to use traditional medicines. Their references describe them as bold and tenacious, with a love of being involved in community gatherings and workshops.

Recipient H is continuing with their studies at the University of British Columbia, in pursuit of their degree in Electrical Engineering. This is their third year receiving the BC Orca Bursary, and it has allowed them to focus diligently on their educational goals and career pursuit of working in the field of sustainable energy. In this upcoming academic year, they have been accepted into the highly competitive University of British Columbia Co-op program with a position as an electronics engineer for a military defence company. Their reference shares that their work ethic, ambition, and keen demeanour are attributes that make them an excellent addition to any team or program.

Recipient I is pursuing a Bachelor of Applied Science, Engineering at the University of British Columbia. They intend to specialize in Mechanical Engineering, or possibly Aerospace Engineering. Their reference describes them as a motivated person who will go on to follow their dreams, whatever they may be. Recipient I intends to continue working part-time during their studies and would like to complete a Co-op program in their final year at University of British Columbia.

Recipient J is dedicated to pursuing a practice of epidemiology to become a skilled practitioner in the area of medicine through the University of British Columbia. As an aspiring physician, they are dedicated to the research that will create a solid clinical practice that is grounded in evidence-based care. Incorporating experience and a desire to improve the healthcare system, their reference notes their perseverance and voracity to learn as traits that contribute to their inevitable success.

As a third-year recipient, Recipient K has been able to commit to pursuing their goal of qualification as a Red Seal Mechanic. Having completed Levels 2 and 3, they will be focusing on their final Level 4 and looking ahead to continuing their studies as a Heavy Duty Mechanic in the future. They are enrolled at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and will continue their studies there. As the study of mechanics requires hands-on experience, they are simultaneously gaining experience as an Automotive Mechanic Apprentice at a shop that encourages them and allows them to be involved in challenging projects. Their reference, and Apprenticeship Manager, recognizes that they have the maturity, positive attitude, and necessary mental focus to excel in their chosen field.

Recipient L has a keen interest in justice and the legal field, which has led them to pursue a degree in Criminology, with the hopes of becoming a lawyer. As a young, independent student pursuing a challenging degree, this bursary will help to alleviate many of the financial barriers that can often get in the way of achieving one’s dreams. With a goal of making a difference in the world, their reference notes that they have witnessed a growth of independence and strong will that show in many parts of their life, and will no doubt contribute to their success.

Having been drawn to the trades at a young age, Recipient M knew that they wanted to find a career that allowed them to be self-sufficient and feel productive. They enrolled in a course that provided exposure to a variety of options and received feedback that they were particularly skilled in electrical. As a result, they have chosen to enroll in the Electrical Foundations program at Camosun College, with the plan to become a Red Seal Electrician. Their long-term dream is to create a business that installs solar panels for low-income families, including families on reserve in BC. Their reference notes that they are creative, skilled, a fast learner, deeply articulate, and very dependable.

Recipient N describes a passion for animals and their many hours volunteering and working with them, as the foundation of their dream of becoming a veterinarian. They are currently enrolled in the University of the Fraser Valley, working toward completing a Bachelor of Science, and upon completion, intend to enroll in a Veterinary Medicine program with the goal of becoming a veterinary surgeon. They identify as a self-motivated, independent learner who finds strength and freedom in education. Their references comment on an unwavering commitment and strong work ethic as one of many traits that will serve them well in their current and future pursuits.

Recipient O will be completing their Early Childhood Education program at North Island College and then attending the Native Education College. Rooted in a belief that every child deserves access to cultural knowledge and support that honours their heritage and identity, they will be enrolled in the Support Worker program, and they are committed to pursuing a career as a support worker at an Indigenous-led non-profit organization. They hope to contribute to creating a supportive environment where children can thrive. Their references strongly believe that they will excel as a support worker due to their innate kindness, compassion, and dedication to helping others.

Recipient P is enrolled at the College of New Caledonia and is studying in the Social Service Worker program, with the intention of continuing on to complete a degree program afterwards. They are inspired by the support they received in their younger years and are motivated to give back in a similar way. Recognizing the value of community connection, and the importance of family, they hope to continue to work with youth and families and create programs and relationships that provide safety for all. Their reference speaks highly of their kindness and compassion for youth, their commitment to family, and their dedication to their profession.

Recipient Q is in their final year of Law Enforcement studies at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. They have focused their studies predominantly on crisis intervention and restorative justice, as they aspire to have a positive impact on the communities they serve and create change from within the justice system. They are a third-year bursary recipient, and the support has provided the ability to cut back on additional work in order to focus on completing their studies. They are dedicated to working with marginalized communities and meeting people where they are at in order to serve with compassion and dignity. Their reference says that they are someone with an unyielding spirit and determination in all that they do.

As a first-generation immigrant in Canada, Recipient R says that they faced many challenges and barriers in the immigration system. This ultimately led to their decision to pursue an education in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences at Douglas College. Their end goal is to obtain a Law degree in Immigration Law and Criminology, with the goal of helping other immigrants in their process of becoming Canadian citizens. Their reference notes determination, as well as a kind heart to help others, as strengths that will serve them well in their chosen career.

As a young person, Recipient S found comfort and support in some of the support workers in their life, and as a result, they have chosen to pursue a career in a similar role. They are currently enrolled in the Child and Youth Care, Indigenous stream program at the University of Victoria. They have aspirations of working in a remote community, and one day opening a centre that supports community members in a meaningful way. Their references describe them as a courageous and mature advocate who contributes significantly to their team and community.

Recipient T completed their first year of post-secondary school at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and is now enrolled at Vancouver Island University studying engineering. This is their second year receiving a BC Orca scholarship, and the support has allowed them to focus consistently and intently on their studies, and determine what educational pathway they are most interested in. After one year at Vancouver Island University, they hope to transfer to the University of British Columbia and complete their Engineering degree. They are passionate about helping others and hope to one day give back to the community in the same way they have felt supported over the years.

Recipient U is attending Camosun College and working toward a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. They are focused on the future, and have a clear career plan upon completing their studies. They intend to work as an Emergency or Intensive Care nurse for 2-3 years, and then pursue remote nursing in Indigenous communities in Northern British Columbia. The BC Orca bursary will help to offset the additional schooling required for the ER and ICU streams, and help expedite their career goals significantly. Their reference points to their involvement in ecological restoration and traditional knowledge keeping as being demonstrative of their commitment to healthcare across all scales.

Recipient V has chosen to pursue a career in Social Services, specifically in the field of Social Work. They identify an early desire to help and support marginalized individuals and those who may be facing barriers in their community as a driving force in their educational journey, and they are currently working toward a Bachelor of Social Work at the University of British Columbia. Their reference notes that they have always loved giving back to the community, and describes them as committed, ambitious, resilient, and always open to learning and self-improvement.

Recipient W is interested in pursuing a career in community and social services and has chosen to study psychology at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. They feel this is an area that will set them up for an opportunity to contribute pro-socially to the community, specifically the un-housed and at-risk youth and young adults. Ultimately, they intend to complete a Master’s in Clinical Counselling, focusing on specialized trauma counselling practices. In describing the traits that suit them in this field, their reference points to empathy, kindness, resilience, selflessness, and maturity.

Having had a deep passion for sports at an early age, Recipient X has chosen to pursue a career in sports management that suits this interest. They are currently studying for a Sports Management diploma at Camosun College and expect to transfer to the degree program which will result in a bachelor’s degree. Ultimately, they would like to be in a position to advance inclusion in sport at a professional level, ensuring that all athletes receive equal consideration and opportunities. Their reference describes them as communicative, dependable, loyal, a good listener, and a positive role model for youth and people in general.

Read more about the BC Orca Bursary Program.

Joy MacPhail Bursary

This year’s recipient of the Joy MacPhail Bursary has always had a passion for science and a desire to help others in order to add meaning and value to their community. Whether through volunteerism in the healthcare system, Youth Council participation, or supporting family members, they have continuously sought ways to be a leader in their community. They are currently at the University of British Columbia, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biology, with the goal of one day becoming a dentist. Their reference describes them as a dedicated member of the community, devoting their time in and outside of school to various forms of volunteer work and community service. They expressed that they cannot imagine any other person who is a better fit for this award.

“I want to express my appreciation and heartfelt thanks for awarding me the 2024 Joy MacPhail Youth Bursary. This support means a great deal to me, and I am honoured to have been chosen.” – 2024 recipient expression of thanks.

Read more about the Joy MacPhail Bursary.

Vancouver Film Studios Indigenous Bursary

Recipient A will be attending North Island College and pursuing an Associate of Science degree. Ultimately, their career goal is to become a medical practitioner or veterinarian. They are dedicated to being in a helping profession and having the privilege of supporting others when they are in need. They are also a dedicated volunteer within their community and intend to continue to grow their volunteerism over the years. Their reference describes them as a passionate young leader who will change the world.

Recipient B is currently enrolled at Sprott Shaw College in the Early Childhood Certificate program. They have a passion for working with little ones starting at a young age, and continuing on today. Upon completing this certificate program, they plan to pursue an ECE diploma, and eventually a Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care. They are currently involved in the community through cultural ceremonies and supporting Elders, as well as working at their local elementary school as an Education Assistant. Their reference shares that any team or group they join would only benefit from having them, and that they all will be better for having them as a member.

With a deep interest in the arts, specifically film and design, Recipient C chose to enroll in Selkirk College and study Digital Arts. They were drawn to the ability to explore different mediums and discern what form of digital art suited them best. Once they have gained the necessary skills, software knowledge and expertise, they plan to branch out as a freelance graphic designer with a focus on helping small businesses and others in their creative projects. Their reference believes that they have important and untold stories to tell and that their creative voice explores themes with a meaningful impact.

Recipient D has always known that their utmost goal is to give back to the community by sharing knowledge. They plan to attend the University of the Fraser Valley and pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in History, which will keep their options open to many professional areas such as education or law. They are committed to helping youth in their community on the best possible path to success. Their reference describes them as dedicated, assertive, very warm, and welcoming. They note that they are a strong, cultural person who is going to make pathways for many future generations.

Read more about the Vancouver Film Studios Indigenous Bursary.