The Belonging Network is a Canadian non-profit providing support, education, and connection for adoptive and permanency families and youth in and from government care in BC and beyond.
Formerly the Adoptive Families Association of BC, we began more than 45 years ago as a group of adoptive parents who dedicated their time and energy to supporting each other and other families in British Columbia. We’ve since expanded to serve all types of permanency and adoptive families as well as youth in and from government care.
We changed our name in 2024 to better reflect this diverse audience and as a step in our journey of truth and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. Our full legal name is The Belonging Network Support for Families and Youth Association.
Permanency is a newer term that encompasses all the different ways of providing family and belonging for children and youth who need it. Permanency includes adoption, kinship care, guardianship, Indigenous customary care, and any arrangement where a child has long-term love and stability.
Our community is big, beautiful, and diverse. We’re connected by our shared experiences, and connected at a heart level by our care and concern for one another, for children, and for youth. We’re so excited to be growing our community and widening our circle of belonging.
If you are a family through guardianship, you belong here. If you’re an Indigenous family by custom adoption, you belong. If you are a relative raising a relative, you belong. If you made a lifelong commitment to a child or youth, you belong. If you’re a young person in or from government care, you belong.