Where are all the babies?

Where are all the babies?

One of the most common questions our Family Support Specialist get is “Where are all the babies?” Heather Ratzlaff, former Family Support team member had this to say on the topic. In Canada today, contraceptives, abortion, and support for expectant and single mothers are more widely available than ever before. This has led to fewer available infants. […]

Tax matters: how to claim the adoption tax credit

Tax matters: how to claim the adoption tax credit

It’s everyone’s favourite time of year again: tax time! This year a reader asked us for help understanding how to claim Canada’s adoption tax credit. In this article, adoptive dad and financial professional John Hakkarainen returns for the third year in a row—this time, to explain the nuts and bolts of Line 313. What is […]

A waiting parent’s plea

A waiting parent’s plea

Inspiration from Alberta For 32 years, Alberta has profiled children in need of adoption on their weekly Wednesday’s Child TV program. For 12 years, the province has also successfully profiled “harder to place” children on a public website. These campaigns regularly generate new applications from potential parents who go on to be matched with waiting […]