Parenting a child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

A woman holding a young boy while sitting on he floor. Their faces are not visible.

This video offers information and practical strategies for parents of prenatally exposed children. Parenting a child with FASD: It’s a diagnosis, not a label This video covers topics such as identifying behaviors related to FASD, parenting strategies, diagnosis process and community resources for families. It includes interviews with a young woman living with FASD and […]

Filling in the blanks

A hand holding a pen and white paper featuring hand-written text.

Storytelling can help your child receive a more accurate assessment. Introducing Cat In 2006, Cat went to Liberia, West Africa, to adopt a little girl and planned to spend six months working on opening a health clinic. This experience was life changing, though she witnessed only a small portion of the trauma suffered by the […]

Infertility to adoption

A couple is sitting on a bench.

This video is directed at those facing infertility who are looking to explore family building options locally and abroad. Designed for those in the pre-, current, and post-infertility stages, this video highlights current facts and family building options.  Learn about infertility options both locally and abroad, connect with resources for overcoming grief and loss as well […]

Love me, feed me: part two

Various fruits and vegetables surrounding a child's hands forming a heart shape.

Most folks who work with kids and food begin with a question: “What to feed?” There are countless articles and books about how to disguise veggies or sneak in more protein. But without steps one and two in place (the “how” of feeding, or the “feeding relationship”–see “Love Me, Feed Me” part one), step three is […]

Hair and skin care for kids: A guide for parents of black and bi-racial children

Happy Black girl with beautiful braided hair

When Kelly Martin brought home her 21-month-old daughter, Kendall, there were all the common new-parent concerns: “How will I ever cut such tiny nails?” laughs Kelly. But Kendall is Haitian, and caring for black skin and hair was to be an additional learning experience for Kelly. Undaunted, she says, “I knew it was something I […]