Reflections on adoption

Reflections on adoption

Being adopted isn’t easy. It can be a very scary process. That is normal for most people. I was very scared going through the whole process of adoption. It’s okay to be scared because being adopted is a very big change that will affect your whole life. I got over my fear of being adopted […]

Supporting LGBTQ2S+ youth in adoption and foster care

Supporting LGBTQ2S+ youth in adoption and foster care

Download this free guide to learn about how to understand and help 2SLGBTQIA+ young people in your care. Approximately 20 percent of high school students today identify as two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer (or questioning), intersex, asexual, and gender non-conforming (2SLGBTQIA+). Among youth in government care and adoptive families, the numbers are even higher. […]

Mindfulness for youth: A modern take on meditation

Mindfulness for youth: A modern take on meditation

Why mindfulness? Mindfulness has become a buzzword that’s as likely to be heard in the business world as in a yoga studio, but what is it? Simply put, mindfulness is a type of meditation that focuses on being present in the moment without judgement, regardless of what is happening. Mindfulness meditation comes from Buddhist teachings […]

Wanted: Imperfect families

Wanted: Imperfect families

As awareness and recruitment around teen adoption grows, hope is on the rise for youth who were once considered  “unadoptable.” We talked with Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruiter Anne Melcombe about how she looks outside the box to find families for the unique kids on her caseload. You’re searching for families for teens that most people […]

Teen finds being loved isn’t always easy

Teen finds being loved isn’t always easy

Because of the support of my mom, and our choice to go forward with adoption, my life has changed in ways I never would have imagined. In the last few years, I have graduated from high school, got through my first year at Simon Fraser University and, somehow, managed to convince ICBC to give me […]