This list is provided as a service to our community. The groups listed here are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Belonging Network, and their content or practices may not align with ours. Please use this list at your own discretion.

A group of hands holding a red paper heart.

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British Columbia | Canada | Crisis intervention | Youth

British Columbia

Akoma Vancouver
Akoma is a volunteer-run, anti-racist, group for families with black children, through adoption or by birth, that meets in person monthly. One of the key aims of Akoma is to connect children of African heritage and raise awareness.

The Asante Centre
Offers assessment, diagnostic and family support services based on a multidisciplinary team approach for children, youth and adults suspected of living with FASD, ASD and other brain-based disabilities. Offices in Maple Ridge and Surrey.

BC Council for Families
Provides family education programs and resources that help families grow stronger and more resilient. 

BC Foster Parents Association (BCFPA) | 800.663.9999 
BCFPA is a provincial organization for foster parents, run by foster parents. They aim to bring together foster caregivers, social workers and other stakeholders working to continuously improve the standard of care for children in our province.

Fairness for Children Raised by Relatives Society (F4CRR)
F4CRR is a non-profit organization that advocates for kinship caregivers—grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives. They provide support, resources, and a platform for kinship caregivers to share their stories and raise awareness of their unique challenges.

Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks (FBCYICN) | 604.527.7762 
The FBCYICN is a youth-driven, peer-based, provincial nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of young people in and from care in BC between the ages of 14 and 24. Their programs create a safe space for youth to come together, build connections, identify challenges and feel at home.

Find Support BC
A database run by the Family Support Institute of BC that connects families of people with disabilities with resources.

Forget Me Not Family Society
The Forget Me Not Family Society is an Adoption Reunion Support Network in the Metro Vancouver area. You will find others who understand what it means to be adopted or to have relinquished a child to adoption.

Indigenous Caregivers of BC | 250.857.4969 
Indigenous Caregivers of BC supports the unique needs of caregivers of Indigenous children, and Indigenous communities with targeted development, recruitment, and training of Indigenous caregiver families with the PRIDE model of practice.

Indigenous Perspectives Society (IPS) | 250.391.0007
IPS offers specialized training programs and services supporting Indigenous children, youth, families and businesses. IPS also provides consulting services strongly grounded in Indigenous worldviews. 

Métis Nation British Columbia
Métis Nation British Columbia develops and enhances opportunities for our Métis Chartered Communities and Métis people in British Columbia by providing culturally relevant social and economic programs and services.

Pacific Post Partum Support Society
Providing mental health and emotional support to new parents and families since 1971.  PPPSS supports anyone who is experiencing isolation, distress, or a PMAD in the perinatal period or is supporting someone who is. This includes pregnant people, new parents, mothers, fathers, partners, non-gestational parents, surrogates, adoptive parents, foster parents, and people who have experienced perinatal or infant loss.

Parent Support Services Society of BC (PSS)
Province-wide free, confidential, weekly meetings for parents and caregivers, including relatives raising relatives.

Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society
VACFSS supports Indigenous children, youth, and families in the Vancouver region by providing restorative, holistic, and culturally-grounded family services.

We Are Adopted (formerly the Adoptees Association)
Offers peer support meetings, counselling and advocacy services, guest speakers, panels, and other resources. All adopted people are welcome.


Adoption Council of Ontario
Provides outreach, support and education to all adoptees, adoptive parents, potential adoptive parents, birth families, and adoption professionals in Ontario.
Contact: 416-482-0021, 1-877-ADOPT-20, or

Adopt4Life Ontario
Adopt4Life – Ontario’s Association for kin, customary care, and adoptive parents and caregivers – is a community of people with lived experience that strengthens and empowers parents and caregivers to achieve permanency for children so that they reach their full potential.

Alberta Foster and Kinship Association
Provides support to foster families, advocates for the rights of children, educates the community about foster care, provides and arranges for training and social gatherings, and serves as a liaison between foster families and Alberta Children & Youth Services.

Asian Adoptees of Canada
A group that serves to create a community for adult adoptees, offer education for adoptive parents, and provide cultural opportunities for the next generation of adoptees to connect with their history.

Canadian Foundation for the Children of Haiti (CFCH)
An interdenominational Christian organization serving Haitian children in Haiti and in Canada. It has a sponsorship program and provides information and support to families.

Child and Youth Permanency Council of Canada | 613.680.2999 
The Child and Youth Permanency Council of Canada is a national voice advocating for a permanent supported family for every waiting child and youth in Canada. They support and encourage people along their adoption journey, connecting them to the families and resources they need.

Kinship and Foster Family Network of Manitoba | 204.940.1280
The Network provides kinship and foster parents with training, guidance, and assistance to enhance their capacities, knowledge and skills to provide quality care.

Origins Canada | 416.400.5730 
Origins Canada is a 100% volunteer-run non-profit organization serving people across Canada who have been separated from family members by adoption.

Transracial Adoptee Community (TAC) 
The TAC is committed towards building community for transracial adoptees in Canada. TAC is inclusive to all transracial adult adoptees and currently has members of Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean descent as well as Chinese adoptees adopted by Chinese families.

Crisis intervention

Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of British Columbia
If you are experiencing stress or problems that seem overwhelming or that you don’t know how to handle, don’t ignore it. There are services in your community that can help.
Call: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

Child abuse prevention.
Call: 604-310-1234

Youth support

See Youth page.