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Bursary applications are now open until April 25, 2025! Scroll down for all the important details, requirements, and the “Apply now” button to submit your application.

 The Vancouver Film Studios Indigenous Bursaries award financial assistance to Indigenous people of all ages who plan to pursue any kind of formal or informal career-related education or training in British Columbia. 

This includes but is not limited to post-secondary education, short or long certification programs, diplomas, skill-building programs, and other training programs.

The program was established in 2022 by Vancouver Film Studios to support Indigenous people who want to pursue any kind of education or training to advance their careers.

There is $12,000 of funding to be distributed. Bursary amounts will vary depending on applicant needs. The maximum amount awarded to any one applicant is $3,000. 



  • You are currently a BC resident.
  • You identify as an Indigenous person.

There is no age requirement for this bursary. Applicants of all ages are encouraged to apply.

Special consideration will be given to applicants who have spent time in government care (such as foster care). 

You are eligible to apply for these bursaries even if you are currently receiving funding from the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program or through SAJE. 


Bursary applications are now open until April 25, 2025. Learn more about this year’s recipients.

Please note: You’ll be prompted to create a SmarterSelect account as the first step of your application. SmarterSelect is our bursary software.