A success story.

The youth’s name has been changed.

Liz is 18 years old. For more than a decade, she has moved between foster homes. She has also had to face the sadness of being separated from her sister, who found permanency with a family located far away.

Traditional methods to find a family didn’t work for Liz. Social workers from the Ministry of Children and Family Development determined that the homes available couldn’t meet her needs. Thankfully, in 2022, Liz was referred to Brie, one of our Permanency Support Specialists.

Brie began by getting to know Liz and connecting with her foster family and the professionals who worked with her to understand Liz’s unique needs. Brie also conducted a network search, but none of the adults close to Liz could offer a permanent home.

Over time, Brie developed a strong relationship with Liz, seeing beyond the paperwork to recognize her as a wonderful, teachable teenager who sought love and connection. Recognizing Liz needed a lasting connection, whether legal or not, Brie began exploring the idea of finding a mentor family. This different approach aimed to build a relationship based on mutual care and respect, free from the pressure of legal permanency.

Brie believed one effective approach to finding mentors was to leverage our network, so she asked our communications team to post a mentorship call on social media. The post included Liz’s interests and non-identifying qualities, as well as the skills needed to support her effectively.

Shortly after the post was published, Brie was contacted by a couple who felt a strong connection with Liz’s profile. They were introduced virtually, and their relationship with Liz grew over the next few months. As trust deepened, it became clear that Liz had found more than mentors – she had found a family.
By early 2024, their mutual desire for permanence led to the decision to pursue adoption.

Today, Liz is shaping her future with a family who cherishes her. If another year had gone by, she would have aged out of government care.

At the Belonging Network, we believe that all children and youth deserve belonging and lifelong connections. This story highlights our commitment to finding loving homes for waiting children and youth and nurturing meaningful connections for them.